A1 / Beginner -
You're just starting out
You can understand and use simple words and phrases, like introducing yourself, asking for basic info, or ordering food. You can have very basic conversations if the other person speaks slowly and clearly.
Song: "Hello, Goodbye" by The Beatles
Context: The song uses very basic language and repetitive phrases, making it accessible for beginners. Lyrics like “I don't know why you say, "Goodbye", I say, "Hello" are simple and easy to understand, which is great for those just starting to learn English.
A2 / Elementary - You know the basics
You can talk about everyday things like your family, work, and hobbies. You can also ask for directions, order in restaurants, and handle simple shopping. You can manage short conversations but might struggle with longer ones.
Song: "With a Little Help from My Friends" by The Beatles
Context: The song uses simple, conversational language. Lyrics like "Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song" reflect easy-to-understand ideas about friendship and everyday support, making it suitable for elementary-level learners.